Refill & Reuse

Art direction // Creative Lead

Luxury Brands - Refill & Upcycle

Luxury refill assets designed for renowned brands like Marionnaud, The Perfume Shop, and ICI Paris. This campaign promoting luxury perfume refills was a delightful twist awaited during Easter, where the campaign cleverly centred around the concept of 'new life,' seamlessly tying it to the essence of spring and sustainability. The overwhelming positive feedback from multiple Business Units serves as a glowing testament to the undeniable impact of these campaigns. Notably, both the Easter and World Refill Day assets witnessed a remarkable surge in social engagement, while simultaneously driving a significant uplift in refillable perfume sales across 11 markets. This achievement showcased the prowess of our creative strategy, resonating with our audience, which we hope will spur a newfound enthusiasm for sustainable practices both for our customers and retailers.


Luna Period Pants


Tik Tok